Curriculum Innovations

We Teach Differently!

Flexible - Choice Based Credit System

LPU curriculum provides you the flexibility to pick elective subjects of your choice and design your own pathway of learning. A wide variety of interdisciplinary electives allow you to widen your horizon and explore your hidden potential.

Outcome based

Focus on ‘learning outcomes’ - what you ‘can do’ or ‘capabilities’ you will develop after learning. Curriculum, teaching & learning, and assessment strategies are constructively aligned with the intended learning outcomes and reflect the achievement of higher order learning and mastery rather than traditional education approach of direct instruction of facts and accumulation of credits.

Technology driven

Challenging the status quo in education, our curriculum innovatively blends technology and content to create a fulfilling learning experience for you. Moving beyond the ‘brick and mortar’ classroom, we expose you to ‘experience’ from around the world using online platforms, alumni networks etc.

Benchmarked, up-to-date and industry focused

LPU curriculum surpasses the requirements of regulatory bodies. It is benchmarked with some of the best universities of the world, but continues to retain its uniqueness and innovativeness. It is up-to-date and linked closely with employer demands making our graduates ‘best fits’.

Stakeholder participation & Feedback

Your voice matters! Feedback from industry, alumni, faculty and students is instrumental in assessing the success of implementation of our curriculum as well as in keeping it relevant to current times.

Value based education

LPU aims at your holistic development into a responsible citizen. Courses on ethics, environment and sustainability, and community projects like ‘Adult Literacy’, ‘Go Green’, ‘Energy conservation’ and campaign against food wastage are undertaken as part of curriculum. Being part of activities like street theater on socially relevant themes like female foeticide and child labour help you contribute towards the society and mankind.

Specializations & Majors

LPU curriculum offers a variety of contemporary specialization areas for students to major in their programme. Why settle for a simple MBA when you can add your own flavour of depth electives to your degree? Choose from international business, operations, IT, Hospital & Healthcare and more!

Interdisciplinary Minors

Interdisciplinary Minors will take you into areas that today you cannot foresee. Use your free electives with effectiveness and precision to take a cohesive set of four courses that explore an unrelated area of your intellectual interest. Interdisciplinary studies is the future!

Skill enhancement

LPU curriculum lets you master your skills. Extensive laboratory work, workshop courses, industry certifications, trainings, live projects and industry internships provide you rigorous hands-on exposure to real life.

Professional Development Classes

Along with basic and technical inputs in a program, curriculum provides extra credited and non-credited inputs focused on recruitment, for improving your language, analytical and reasoning, and soft skills.

Information and Communication Technology

The curriculum incorporates development of IT skills as a desired outcome and requires every student to take IT classes. The level of attainment of IT skills varies from basic to advanced computing skills, for different programmes.


Live and entrepreneurial assignments and projects integrated in the curriculum provide you opportunities to explore an entrepreneur in you. Come, create, take risks and live your passion! Be an entrepreneur!

Focus on Research Orientation

Integrated Research Pathway at LPU inculcates critical thinking in the chosen area of study, helps in developing the framework of the research & experimental work, and ultimately assists in discovering the right processes, advanced methods, new techniques through ingenious innovations and creativity!


Opting for higher studies first and then getting a job is always better! Earning a Master’s degree in chosen field benefits long-term career and opens up more doors to the professional world.


Study Abroad Pathway enables entry into best-ranked universities of the world through international exposure and while enjoying intertwined cultural diversity across the globe. Since decades ago, right guidance at the right time delivered through study abroad provision enabled students to become truly global professionals!