Research Jobs - LPU

Research Scientist

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  • Department/Lab/Project: Central Instrumentation Facility
  • Job Profile: Involved in planning and conducting experiments and analysing results particularly to develop new products, processes or commercial applications, or to broaden basic scientific understanding. Create and conduct experiment, process and analyse results, communicate results to the scientific community via published papers, collaborate with industry/academia to apply the results of research and develop new techniques, products or practices, setting up new research infrastructure for conducting top notch research, teach, demonstrate to or supervise students (in academia) and train and supervise other members of technical staff, devise or help to draw up new research proposals and apply for funding, work in multidisciplinary teams, in different faculties or schools in academia, and in different functions of the business in industry, setting up new R & D start-ups.
  • Qualification: Ph.D (in Chemistry/ Physics/Material Science/ Engineering/ Medical Science/ Pharmaceuticals/ Life Science.) and Post-Doctoral (minimum 2 years)
  • Desirable: Individuals in this role should possess minimum 2 years of experimental research experience after Ph.D in the field of interdisciplinary/ collaborative research specific with excellent analytical, critical thinking, and research skills. Furthermore, a research scientist should possess excellent communication and teamwork skills, as well as the ability to collaborate effectively with other researchers and professionals from research institution, academia and industries.

Scientific Officer

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  • Department/Lab/Project: Central Instrumentation Facility (CIF)
  • Job Profile: Prepare and analyze samples based on standard operating procedures (SOPs). Analyze the samples and review the raw data from various fields of Engineering, Allied Medical Sciences, Life sciences, Physical Sciences. The person will contribute to the analysis of particular data and directly contribute to the interdisciplinary framework of CIF. Effective oral and written communication skills are required. Teamwork, strong interpersonal skills and ability to work independently are preferred.
  • Qualification: Ph.D in Chemistry/ Physics/ Material Science/ Instrumentation/Medical sciences/Life Sciences.
  • Desirable: Experience: Minimum 2 years’ experience in the field of interdisciplinary/collaborative research Specific Skills data analysis, techniques and tools

Scientific Operator

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  • Department/Lab/Project: Bruker-LPU Centre of Excellence for Microstructural Studies (Powder XRD & Particle size and zeta potential analyzer) under CIF
  • Job Profile: Prepare and analyze samples based on standard operating procedures (SOPs). Perform routine calibration and maintenance of the equipment. Analyze the samples and review the raw data from various fields of Engineering, Allied Medical Sciences, Life sciences, Physical Sciences. Must be able to strictly adhere to the SOP without deviation. Maintain customer’s Log-book, standard book, bench sheets and maintenance books. Effective oral and written communication skills are required.
  • Qualification: Post Graduate in Chemistry/ Physics/ Material Science/ Instrumentation with minimum 2 years’ experience in the field of material science/ Instrumentation.
  • Desirable: Experience: High degree of computer literacy with data handling on Microsoft-excel, Microsoft word etc. Specific Skills: data analysis, techniques and tools

Scientific Operator

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  • Department/Lab/Project: Perkin Elmer- LPU Centre of Excellence in Materials Characterization – Molecular Spectroscopy Lab (FTIR , Fluorescence and other spectrometers) under CIF
  • Job Profile: Prepare and analyze samples based on standard operating procedures (SOPs). Perform routine calibration and maintenance of the equipment. Analyze the samples and review the raw data from various fields of Engineering, Allied Medical Sciences, Life sciences, Physical Sciences. Must be able to strictly adhere to the SOP without deviation. Maintain customer’s Log-book, standard book, bench sheets and maintenance books.. Effective oral and written communication skills are required.
  • Qualification: Post Graduate in Chemistry/ Physics/ Material Science/ Instrumentation. With minimum 2 years’ experience in the field of material science/ Instrumentation.
  • Desirable: Experience: High degree of computer literacy with data handling on Microsoft-excel, Microsoft word etc. Specific Skills: data analysis, techniques and tools

Scientific Operator

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  • Department/Lab/Project: Perkin Elmer- LPU Centre of Excellence in Materials Characterization – Thermal Analysis Lab (Differential Scanning Calorimeter & Thermo gravimetric Analyzer) under CIF
  • Job Profile: Prepare and analyze samples based on standard operating procedures (SOPs). Perform routine calibration and maintenance of the equipment. Analyze the samples and review the raw data from various fields of Engineering, Allied Medical Sciences, Life sciences, Physical Sciences. Must be able to strictly adhere to the SOP without deviation. Maintain customer’s Log-book, standard book, bench sheets and maintenance books. Effective oral and written communication skills are required.
  • Qualification: Post Graduate in Chemistry/ Physics/ Material Science/ Instrumentation with minimum 2 years’ experience in the field of material science/ Instrumentation.
  • Desirable: Experience: High degree of computer literacy with data handling on Microsoft-excel, Microsoft word etc. Specific Skills: data analysis, techniques and tools

Scientific Operator

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  • Department/Lab/Project: Shimadzu-LPU Centre for Advanced Chromatography and Mass Spectrometry (HPLC & GC-MS/MS-FID) under CIF
  • Job Profile: Prepare and analyze samples based on standard operating procedures (SOPs). Perform routine calibration and maintenance of the equipment. Analyze the samples and review the raw data from various fields of Engineering, Allied Medical Sciences, Life sciences, Physical Sciences. Must be able to strictly adhere to the SOP without deviation. Maintain customer’s Log-book, standard book, bench sheets and maintenance books. Effective oral and written communication skills are required.
  • Qualification: Degree (Eng.) / Post-graduate (sciences) in Instrumentation/ Chemical engineering/ Chemistry/ Life sciences with 2 years of experience of working on GC-MS/MS, LC-MS, HPLC etc. and/or similar fields with 5 years of experience of similar field of testing. (OR) Diploma / Graduate (sciences) in Instrumentation/Chemical engineering/Chemistry/Life sciences with 5 years of experience of working on GC-MS/MS, LC-MS, HPLC etc. and/or similar fields with 10 years of experience of similar field of testing. (OR) ITI / Equivalent in Instrumentation/Chemical engineering with 10 years of experience of working on GC-MS/MS, LC-MS, HPLC etc.
  • Desirable: Experience: High degree of computer literacy with data handling on Microsoft-excel, Microsoft word etc. Specific skills: data analysis, techniques and tools

Scientific Operator

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  • Department/Lab/Project: Centre for Chemical Analysis and Testing (Electrochemical workstation, Cooling centrifuge, Ultrasonicator with probe & Viscometer) under CIF
  • Job Profile: Prepare and analyze samples based on standard operating procedures (SOPs). Perform routine calibration and maintenance of the equipment. Analyze the samples and review the raw data from various fields of Engineering, Allied Medical Sciences, Life sciences, Physical Sciences. Must be able to strictly adhere to the SOP without deviation. Maintain customer’s Log-book, standard book, bench sheets and maintenance books. Effective oral and written communication skills are required.
  • Qualification: Degree (Eng.) / Post-graduate (sciences) in Instrumentation/Electronics/Metallurgy/Chemical engineering/Physics/Chemistry with 2 years of experience of working on electrochemical workstation with sample preparations etc. and/or similar fields with 5 years of experience of similar field of testing. (OR) Diploma/ Graduate (sciences) in Graduation in Electronics/Instrumentation/Metallurgy/Chemical Engineering/Physics/ Chemistry with 5 years of experience of working on electrochemical workstation with sample preparations etc. and/or similar fields with 10 years of experience of similar field of testing. (OR) ITI/ Equivalent in Electronics/Instrumentation/Chemical engineering with 10 years of experience of working on electrochemical workstation with sample preparations etc.
  • Desirable: Experience: High degree of computer literacy with data handling on Microsoft-excel, Microsoft word etc. Specific Skills: data analysis, techniques and tools


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  • Department/Lab/Project: Sample preparation lab (Fume hood, Gas manifold, Lyophilizer, weighing balances etc.) under CIF
  • Job Profile: Prepare and analyze samples based on standard operating procedures (SOPs). Perform routine calibration and maintenance of the equipment. Analyze the samples and review the raw data from various fields of Engineering, Allied Medical Sciences, Life sciences, Physical Sciences. Must be able to strictly adhere to the SOP without deviation.
  • Qualification: Graduate in Chemistry/Life Sciences/ Agriculture/ Physics/ Material Science/ Instrumentation/ Electronics. Minimum 2 years’ experience in wet lab experiments.
  • Desirable: Experience: High degree of computer literacy with data handling on Microsoft-excel, Microsoft word etc. Specific Skills: data analysis, techniques and tools